Consumer Risk Analysis

Express Credit Score

Your credit score is important because credit providers use it to rate your credit worthiness. It's calculated using the information on your credit profile, including account information, your payment history, adverse information, public records and enquiries (requests by credit providers to view your credit report). It is a summary of both positive and negative factors that predicts how likely you are to honour your future credit agreements. Your credit score will however differ at each of the registered South African credit bureaus as they are calculated differently at every institution.

Quick, Instant, Express Consumer Credit Scores?

  • Consumers Credit
  • 3 Reason why the score is what it is

Experian Affordability Assessment

The Affordability Assessment Service uses the consumer’s income (Gross and/or Net), calculates their Necessary Expenses (at a minimum, the minimum living expenses as required in terms of Regulations); it evaluates the consumer’s total monthly debt repayment obligations and returns the consumer’s available income (Discretionary Income) which will indicate the consumer’s ability to fund the proposed credit instalment in terms of a new credit agreement.

How it works

It calculates the consumer’s discretionary income as follows:

  • First, we take the amount of the consumer’s gross and/or net income
  • Next, we deduct their necessary expenses(the minimum living expenses as per Regulation 23A (9)and (10) of the National Credit Act 34 of 2005)
  • Finally, we deduct the consumer’s total monthly debt repayment obligations

5 Reasons to make use of Affordability

  • Automatic determination of a consumer’s Gross Income where the value is unknown
  • Automatic determination of a consumer’s Net Income through the application of the relevant tax tables
  • Automatic inclusion of known Bureau Expenses
  • Assists with decision-making during the customer acquisition phase
  • Compliance with the NCA


VerifyID's Pricing is based on credits, 1 credit = R1.15. You purchase credits within the system and then with your credits you can purchase the available Searches and Services. Each service costs a variant of credits for example a Express Credit Score costs 10 credits or R 11.50.

Service Description Credits Rands
Express Credit Score Quick Consumers Credit Scores 15 R 17.25
Experian Affordability Assessment Automatic determination of a consumer’s Gross Income 15 R 17.25